The old log house constituting the Big Butte stage station burned down recently and there is no place for travelers to stay nearer than Powell, which is about 10 miles away. The building burned with all its contents when there was nobody at home. It belongs no to Holland Bros., who are raising cattle there. The Pioneer Drug Store and the Arco Meat Market are having sawdust hauled to their ice houses prior to having the houses filled with ice. The schedule of the Arco-Martin stage line was changed last week. The trip is made every other day now the same as the Arco-Ellis line. This gives the patrons a better service.
Tuesday a family that had stayed the night before at the Butte wagon station, started for Arco, and when several miles out got stuck in the snow drifts. The man rode into Arco and statcd the condition. Mr. S. D. Johnson, the proprietor of the Star barn, took a team to their relief. It was a lone and laborious task, but the stranded family was brought in about eleven o’clock at night. Because of heavy snow which drifted at the Hlohn crossing. a large drift successfully opposed the train engine. The section gang and a large number of citizens went to the rescue and in about two hours dug the snow from underneath the engine and cleared off the track. The engine went back a distance and coupling onto another engine which was nearly out of water, took a rush and successfully bucked the drift. It was certainly a grand sight. The stages from Howe to Arco and from Arco to Martin have had their share of problems due to the snows.
The Sherman Hide Company this week shipped to eastern fur houses. 3,000 jackrabbit skins, which they accumulated during the past few week. Tom Oley, old time freighter and pioneer of Central Idaho, has been in town this week from Little Lost River Valley. Colton Kimball was down from the head of Big Lost River the last of the week. He is operating a trap line this winter and he states that there is considerable snow in the high mountains.
Walker Theatre coming down
The historic Walker Theatre, which has
figured in the lives of three generations of Arco. Demolition is begining for
owners. Y. Harvey and Betty Walker by Power Line Construction of Arco. The
historic building, constructed in 1919 and opened in February 1920, has been the
scene for many activities in addition to playing a large part in the movie
entertainment of Arco's population. Commencements, stage shows, and many other
public gatherings have been held in the building in its heyday. It has been
closed for several years.
The February 20, 1920 issue if The Arco
Advertiser, said the new theatre ws to open with the showing of "The Miracle
Man", a feature film, on February 21. The article describing the new theatre
said in part: "The new Walker Theatre, Arco's new $15,000 picture show building
is one of the most beautiful in the state and far surpasses any theatre outside
the larger cities in the state.
The building was erected by George E.
Walker, a well to do stockman and farmer of Arco and will be operated by R B
Peck. The building is 35 by 115 feet, built of white brick with front pillars
finished in red brick. The front of an arched entrance way, brilliantly
illuminated overhead...
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This page was last updated 03/10/2022